
Thursday, November 20, 2008


This confidentiality disclaimer was on the bottom of an email J received today:

***************** CONFIDENTIALITY DISCLAIMER ******************

The information contained in this e-mail may be confidential. IF YOU RECEIVED THIS IN ERROR, please call the Virginia Mason Privacy Officer at (206) xxx-xxxx. Thank you.

Patients: E-mail is NOT considered secure. By choosing to communicate with Virginia Mason by e-mail, you will assume the risk of a confidentiality breach. Please do not rely on e-mail communication if you or a family member is injured or is experiencing a sudden change in health status.

If you need emergency attention, call 911.

This is the line that got me.... "If you need emergency attention, call 911."

Can you imagine the email that prompted this addition?

To: Dr. Smithson
RE: My severed head
Message marked: Urgent

Dr. Smithson,

I accidentally removed most of my head from my body. (LOL) It actually hurts quite a bit, and I'm wondering if I should come in?

Could you mail me back and let me know if it is normal for my head to keep flopping over to the left like this.




PNB Dave said...

My staff and I frequently have to call podiatrists to make appointments for our summer kids, and their voice mail messages all include "If this is a medical emergency, you should hang up now and dial 9-1-1."

Yeah, anytime I'm having trouble breathing, my lips are turning blue, and I can't feel my fingers, the first thing I think is "Call the ingrown toenail doctor!"

PNB Dave said...

"Their" should have been "the podiatrists'."

Sheesh. And I'm an English teacher.