
Thursday, June 04, 2020

George Aubrey and others

I am not an eloquent person, but I want to put out to the universe that I want my lovely neighbors and beloved friends of color not to live in fear.
It’s not ok with me, a policeman’s daughter that they don’t experience the peace officer as a source of safety but as someone who might end their lives if they don’t act perfectly. It is ok with me that we are taking to the street to make it known it is time for a change.
It’s not ok with me that that the smart, lovely son of my community was followed home from the grocery store and threatened with violence by their neighbor who said he didn’t belong because he’s a strong athletic black “man” (he was 14). It is ok with me that our local police department came into their house and listened for over an hour to get the details and reassure this scared boy that he is entitled to his neighborhood and that he matters
.It’s not ok with me that folks are breaking into and looting businesses. Their actions are taking away from a needed protest. It’s ok with me that non-violent protesters are still showing up. It’s ok with me that there are some folks who can only help by praying, expressing their hope by participating in feeding programs.
It’s not ok with me that the President uses military level force on protesters to clear the way to hold a photo op on the steps of a church building while holding a prop. This action is no more Christian than it would be Jewish if he was holding a Torah on the steps of a Temple. It’s a show, and I don’t buy it.
The pain my coworkers, friends, and neighbors are feeling is real. My love, support, and prayers go out to them. I hope we can see beyond the distraction of the looters and agree that even someone has possibly broken a law can be taken into custody without having their life ended, or go for a jog without having their life ended or being a lawful gun owner without having their life ended or having a tail light out without having their life ended or playing cops & robbers in a public park without having their life ended, or react badly when police randomly/mistakenly break into their apartment without notice without having their life ended, or walk home from the corner mart with skittles, or...or...or..
For the record, I have never lived in fear of any of these things...we should ALL feel that way.

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