
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Shoulder Twins

 October 1 marks 6 months from my shoulder dislocation and break.   I am still doing physical therapy to gain strength and motion.  It's a slow process that at times is frustrating.

The pain I was feeling on a daily basis has mostly gone away.  It no longer radiates down my arm all day and all night.  However, it is still an issue when I sleep.  I am really only comfortable on my back, probably because it allows the muscles in my shoulders to relax, but I am a side sleeper and when in that state I will roll over and it wakes me up when my hand goes numb.   I'm pinching something in that side position.

I had a meeting with the orthopedic doc last week and I nervously told him about the numbness.  The last thing I want to have is some sort of nerve damage that would need a surgical repair, thus undoing all the work to gain my strength back.    He pulled up my file and read something to me  (paraphrasing):

Patient complains of continuing pain radiating down arm, and numbness in hand when sleeping on her side.

That was the note from the 5 month check-in after the first break on the left side.  OMG!  I totally forgot about that from the last time.  He gave me a wrap to help keep my elbow from folding all the way when I sleep, which should prevent me from pinching the nerve. He said that we'll check back in in two months and if it's still going numb, then he'll do a nerve study, but is confident that it will heal by then.  

He did say that while the breaks were basically identical, that because the right shoulder also experienced a dislocation that the time to heal would be longer because of the additional tissue trauma.  I am continuing to be a good PT patient and working on my stretching at home.

I slept with the bandage on my arm, and it's annoying but does keep me from tucking the arm, which also keeps me on my back.  

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