
Monday, February 27, 2023

February 2023

 I'm in San Jose for work for the first time in three years.   It's nice to be here, but also draining.  I had dinner last night with a colleague and was looking forward to puttering around the mini-mall next door to the hotel tonight, but it looks like I'll be grabbing dinner with my manager tonight.   It won't take forever so I should be able to get the downtime I'm hoping for. 

We have an all day meeting tomorrow and I'm hopeful it will be engaging.  More of the same Wednesday morning and then I'm on a plane at 2 to come home.   Why not stay for the whole day?  Well,  Wednesday is Lucy's 12th birthday, and I want to be home for dinner.  I've left presents for the morning - because everyone should wake up to pressies.  

This afternoon, Lucy has two friends coming over after school.  We aren't super jazzed about it but she organized it herself.   The friends are fine, but lately they haven't been talking to her at lunch so I'm not sure why this after school event came up.  I'm a bit worried that it's not what it seems on the upfront and that it won't be as fun for Lucy has hoped.   However, we cannot manage all the heartbreak and maybe we've read the situation wrong.  Still, if it walks like a duck...

Workwise, things are going well.  I was given a promotion this year and I'm happy about it, but am also feeling sheepish.  I know there are more folks who work a ton more and harder than I do.  However you can't turn something like this down.   I only bring it up here because the amount of "congratulations" emails is astonishing and one more just came in.  I had to move them all into a folder because the clutter was making my mailbox hard to navigate. 

Well, I guess it's time to stop hiding out and head back to the main room to finish my day.  I needed a moment alone, so I popped into a conference room.   Maybe I didn't sleep well last night, because I have the yawns right now.   Or, maybe I need to go for a walk. 

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