
Monday, March 23, 2020


The upside, we are getting into our groove, and having folks in the house all day isn't so terrible.   We do a pretty good job of transitioning from "work/school" to "home".

There were two major shopping outings this weekend, a big Safeway run and this morning J took advantage of the employee-only hour at Costco to pick up a bunch of stuff.   We are planning on being home for at least a month.

I had to venture out today to go to the bank, which is not an activity that I normally would have to do, but it was necessary.    It's odd being "out and about".   Traffic is super light and parking is plenty.   People tend to give each other a lot of room and for the most part, everyone is very kind and in a pleasant mood.

I feel for the people in the bank, at the stores and even restaurants who are only doing delivery/take out.  I am sure they would rather be at home.   It's a balance, be home, stay safe or have no income.   We want to support our local businesses, but I'm more comfortable cooking our own food for now.

One would think that with all the home life that we were saving money, but so far whatever we save we seem to pay elsewhere.   Our housekeeping service has been "put on hold" for now, but I'm paying them for next week anyway.   I can't imagine that they are doing well. 

The President is a mess, his press conferences are an embarrassment.   He says one thing and it's pretty clear that he's just saying what he thinks "we" want to hear to make himself look good.   Then, the folks that actually know what they are talking about get to the podium and contradict what he says.

The Senate wants to approve a financial support package to help the people in this crazy time, but they can't decide if they are going to help individuals or big corporations.  I'm a people person and think that if a corporation gets financial help they shouldn't get any more than what they paid in taxes.   

I've stopped reading the news and social media right before bedtime because while I fall asleep right away I wake up around 3am and am spinning.  That's not healthy.

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