
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bad News Matrix: How to know when to call

Ok people, those of you who think that e-mail is the appropriate way to notify someone that a mutual (friend/relative/coworker) has died are WRONG. I know it can be confusing to know if it's ok to call or write that terrible news, so I've prepared a handy guide for your use in the future.

Please note it is NEVER OK to share the bad news in e-mail without at least starting a new e-mail thread. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE MISSY!!! Imagine my horror upon opening what I thought was a little update on the stupid ass class reunion to find that my friends Mother-In-Law had passed away --- OVER 8 DAYS AGO. Sweetie, I love you, but if it happens again the next e-mail will be about you.

Let me be clear, I am not picking on one person here; there have been a rash of events that have precipitated creation of this matrix. The tool is easy to use... simply add your score from the first three lines and match your score to the communication method in the last rows. (You may have click on the image to read it.)


MWR said...

Hey, that reminds me, our old friend Bob Johnson died last week. He was such a young guy, too. You never expect it when some young guy gets his head cut off like that.

Oh, well, gotta run!

MWR said...

Excellent! Two minor questions, though. Shouldn't all the bars run in the same direction, from "plussiest" to "minussiest" or the reverse? And what does the asterisk mean?

Anonymous said...

Oh...My...Goodness...Sad thing is I had to read it twice before I figured out the hidden clues. Later, Me & My RC

tp_gal said...

To answer the questions:
1) yes, the bars should run from plussiest to minssiest (thanks Stephen Colbert) but I'm not into details so you'll have to live with it.
2) the asterisk means that while your "devistation score" may fall outside the range for the phone calls, it is always ok to phone the bad news, but if your score is 28 or higher you may want to send a priest, or the local police.

3) I'm not really sure what anonymous is talking about with the "hidden clues" - I intended no hidden clues. I'll call Annon and clarify what (s)he think's (s)he's seeing.