
Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm so relaxed right now I could pass out...

Ok, so the super relaxing weekend visiting Juniper and clan in Portland didn't quite turn out the way I imagined it. (Much like my love life.)

I expected to lay in the hammock under the lilac tree and read until my eyes couldn't see. Instead -- we had a blast! I don't think I've ever packed so much into a weekend -- including the whirlwind Vegas trip. There were:

3 bar-b-ques
2 birthday parties
2 1/2 movies. (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (2005), Garden State (dvd) and some nutty John Watters movie with Tracey Ulman -- sorry fans it SUCKED!)
2 trips to the pool
1 patio created (didn't really help with that, just some art direction)
1 trip to a special store to be unnamed and undecribed - but I scored my mom a kick-ass bChristmas present!
1 yard sale (attended not thrown)
2+ poopie diapers (not mine)
.5 naps
2 total and complete melt-downs by a otherwise happy 7 year old.
3 costume changes at bbq #1 (Juni's sister has the mother of all costume selections in her basement -- she is the mistress of fun!)
1 much to much B.A. with scrotal exposure (again, not mine)
3 trips to Grand Central Bakery (scream it with me... YUMMY)
1 trip down the water slide for all the world to see the glory of me shooting out of a big yellow tube. I think I scared small children.

I stayed Sunday night and got up at 5am for the zippy trip back to Seattle. I must remember to always take the train. Always always always. I hate that drive.


syp said...

Train good - car bad. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory? Thumbs up or thumbs down?

MWR said...

Can you really get a train from PDX on a Monday morning and get into Seattle to arrive at work at a respectable (for me) hour?

Yes, let's hear about CatCF. And if you happen to be one of these "I see everything with Johnny Depp" people, please let us know that too.