
Thursday, September 06, 2007


I had an appointment for a medical exam today. 3:30 and I'm on time laying on the table talking to the technician, we get half way through and she asks, did you eat today?
um, yeah was I not supposed to ?
No, this test must be done during a fast.

Great! I love that the scheduler person didn't say anything about fasting. So I get to wait another 3 weeks for an opening that works with my wacky calendar.


1 comment:

phatgrrl said...

That IS totally annoying!! And lame! And why is every doctor booked 8 months out in the future, like don't they have any leeway for emergencies and screw-ups and whatnot?

Send me a PM on OH, cause I don't know who you are there! I want to add you to my friend list so I can keep tabs. LOL.