
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Ah the holidays! We hosted the "All Family Extravaganza" this year and it was a lot of fun. There were babies, gifts, tons of food, lots of laughter and we didn't have to travel anywhere.
Liam & Jordan hanging out. 

The white elephant gifts

Who is Mans Best Friend?

oh lord... knives

what's up!

Rachel and Shalena loving on Jordan while Daddy Doug naps.

The white elephant gift exchange was a hit. The gift certificates made the rounds, my fun beer steins were stolen from me by an evil evil man who I shall smite for ages. Gifts like wine and DVDs tended to be popular and a poster of Cousin Phil dressed in his finest for Jason's 70's themed birthday party was a riot.

Hanging out with all the new babies was great. Jordan, at almost 4 months is still a tiny girl, but really interactive and a joy to be around. Liam, who is a bruiser at 7 weeks old is a happy content baby. He's big, but very much an infant. Wade, a tiny dude is still squishy and doesn't have head control yet. He's not even a month old yet, but a cutie none the less. Next Christmas we'll have to put a fence around the tree as all three (four plus Lucy) will be VERY mobile. Jordan will be about 16 months old and will likely be wandering around on her own and I'm sure Liam, Wade and Lucy will be scooting around the floor as well. (Lucy probably on all fours, but she'll try to keep up.)

We had way too much food, and it was great. I love a table full of appetizers and then hot food followed by way too many treats. I nibbled all afternoon and then (shame) had to eat again before bedtime. It was fun to dig out my serving dishes and set up a lovely table. People were parked all over the house to eat which was festive. Everyone at sitting formally at tables might have killed the party spirit.

I'm sad my parents were unable to make the trip over, but understood.  Dad wasn't feeling well and the weather wanted to be an issue.  Lucky for us it held out and we made a day trip over on Monday.  (I knew I took the day off for a reason.)  It was a long day, but worth it to bring them gifts, Christmas food and of course.... PIE.

John and Susie left this morning before 7am and while they enjoyed their visit were happy to be headed home.   They will be celebrating the new year with their "other" family - the Niagara Way neighbors.  It is so nice that they have lived on the same street for 40 (some) years and have built a real community in their neighborhood.  It is unusual these days and something to be celebrated.

I'm "back at work" today but thankful for a) a home office and that b) most everyone is on vacation so I can work on my own stuff.  I'll be sneaking off to have lunch with my fella today which is a nice treat.

I hope you all had a lovely holiday and a happy new year!

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