
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Camping with the kid

We are camping in Eastern Washington and I was a bit nervous that the whole experience would be me chasing after Lucy. So far, she has done really well. She's been napping which is a huge improvement over our Denver weekend. She has been eating and sleeping great.

The weather is HOT. It was 101 yesterday and cooled to 97 today. Thankfully we are on a dammed section of the Snake River and are with people who have boats.

Today was Lucy's second time on a boat. The first was a total disaster, this time she was a trooper. She sat with Jason as we motored out to our floating spot on the river. She seemed to love the wind on her face and at one moment I looked over and she was giving Jason love eyes. It swelled my heart.

Once we were in our spot we dropped the tubes that double as the best lay in the river and stay cool islands. Lucy sat with us and for the most part seemed happy. She had to get her sea legs first, but she quickly relaxed and didn't want us to keep the grip of death on her. We did...but lightened up on the hold to make her feel like she was in charge. The life jacket has a handle at the head support to help you pull the infant from the water, but it also works as a good "I'm not holding you" tool.

Grandma Georgia was floating on a small inflatable board that was most likely designed for a swimming pool. She wasn't tethered to the boat like the rest of us and by the time we told her to not get too far away she was already being carried down river by the wind. Marty was kind enough to rescue her, but Lucy and I didn't get off the tube so even though it was 2 miles an hour Lucy has officially gone tubing.

The wind picked up and it was too choppy to float safely so we moved on to find a calmer location. Lucy and I were in the front of the boat and she was like a dog with her face pointed towards the wind. After a while she wanted to face me and cuddle. She tucked her head into my chest and fell asleep. It was super sweet.

We bagged the river as the wind was too much and when we got back to camp we saw tree limbs down and items from our campsite had been blown around. There was no damage to our stuff, but a truck at a different site will be having a date with the body shop later on.

Tonight, after dinner and a bath I read Lucy's night night books and said it was time to go to sleep. She gently slid off my bed and walked over to her crib, then tried to climb in! She was asleep in about 3 minutes.

She had a great day. Grandma Georgia has lost her free floating privileges for the week. It wasn't her fault and she wasn't in any danger, but she'll be tethered from now on.


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