
Monday, November 14, 2005

Lame Adventures of a Saturday Night

I forgot to make plans for Saturday night so I stayed in.

Lame as that sounds, I can not believe what I was able to accomplish because I didn't turn on the TV. I cleaned a closet, packed the summer clothes, washed all the bedding, uploaded the Spain photo's to (this took a while, because I haven't committed to high speed at home yet) ordered some Christmas presents, wrapped the presents I've been gathering throughout the year, organized the physical Spain photo's, painted a picture frame, touched up the ceiling where I slopped when I painted in March, baked cookies, made dinner, cleaned the kitchen, spare bathroom AND finished my book.

Cheese and rice... all this took place after the baby shower in the afternoon. Nothing overly remarkable about the BS -- except that I was the only single gal present. I might be the last one in the whole world.

I only knew about half of the ladies but one of the guests looked really familiar. Instant recognition washed over me when she introduced herself. It was quite surprising, this gal was a year ahead of me in school and was the track super star who left high school with a sa-weet athletic scholarship in her back pocket. Rumor had it that she blew up her nose with the good college coke. Who knows how true this is, I wasn't about to ask.

"Oh, nice to see you, looks like you've kicked the crack, good for you. Aren't baby showers fun?"

She introduced herself as someone's wife and during the shower I learned she has two kids - boys I think. Her gift was remarkable in it's thoughtfulness and her card managed to eek out a tear from almost every woman in the room. There were no men present, which clearly was a good idea (men are so lucky). The essence of the card was that the first time Trish (the mom) looks in her babies eyes she will finally know how much her mother loves her. (water works!)
As soon as the shower was over, she got the hell out of the house so we didn't get a chance to say anything more than a hello across the room. It's a small darned world.

The book I finished was Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. A friend gave it to me because it was set in Barcelona and she enjoyed it after she had been. It was fun to be able to see the places the characters are going - but besides the setting the story was intriguing. A boy discovers a book by a local author and sets out to learn more about the author and ends up in the midst of a dramatic saga that spans his entire life. It was superb! Thanks Melinda!

Alrighty, I stayed late at work to get work done, so I should get to it!

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