
Monday, September 25, 2006

Mood: Elevated

After a good night sleep and more importantly a well placed phone call to a friend I was able to climb out of the little hole I was in yesterday.

I'm not often in that sad, depressive place and I don't like being

On a "good" note, I was so busy feeling sorry for myself that I forgot to eat dinner. I didn't even notice until 11 when I went to bed and I was hungry. Thank heaven for the frozen Go-Gurght - my favorite. (the
too sad to eat thing doesn't happen to me - usually I eat when I'm sad,
and I eat when I'm happy, and I eat when it's light out side, and I eat
when it's dark...) Some people can go through something traumatic like
the loss of a library book and come out on the other side 15 pounds
lighter. Me, I'm saving for a 6 month fast.

My goal this week is to bring lunch to work all 5 days and cook myself
dinner at home. Eating out for lunch and dinner every day takes a toll
on the pocket book. Even though I'm not the best cook, I eat better
when I cook at home.

I use to eat a LOT of bagged spinach, but now that's not even good for me anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better.

It sucks to have a pity party on a Saturday nite... This Mr and Mrs Whiner couple reminds me of stressful friendships from high school, the "he said, she said - take sides type". Why not just get it out on the table if there is a major problem? Communicate??? Hello?

Maybe you should have your own f*ucking party and invite the f*cking a**holes and kill them with f*cking kindness!

There. I feel better. And your grandma is right, they don't deserve your time!