
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Stay Awake if you can

Yesterday in my work mail box I recieved confirmation that the world at large thinks I'm a nerd. It's dissapointing that all those years of dancing to rave music until 3 in the morning and then managing to be at work at 8:00 a.m. count for nothing. Nor is my pre- pop album love for REM remembered as socially conscience forward thinking. I am officially a has-been techie freak.

After reading Bank Technology Weekly (seriously... this should have been my first clue that my hip soul had left my body) I turned to the next item in the stack and it was *GASP* a brochure on Network Cabling Solutions.

Your network audit, like most IT audits may have stopped at an inspection of active electronics. When planning for real time systems such as VoIP/IPT or high-speed application ssuch as 10G trasmission, a full network audit is critical.

...and your cabling regardless of the grade chose, is only as agood as the installation.
...a quality review of cabling practices.

I think it is safe to say that officially, parts of my job are so dull that it is surprising that I manage to live through the day.

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