
Saturday, September 02, 2006

Useless & Lazy

So, here it is a 3-day weekend and I've got a ton of things to do. There are picnics to attend, people to see, and (like always) a house to clean. My plan was to sleep in this morning (check) and do some laundry (check) while I cleaned and then shower and be out the door by noon.

Well... I came in the office to send AN E-MAIL and hour ago and I've checked work e-mail, written my mom, checked out HER new blog, read the comics, and am now posting on my own.

So much for a plan. Sigh - I am useless and lazy. People are coming over for dinner on Tuesday and I can't have dirty bathrooms and bags of recycling everywhere. That's my main problem - I stack up the recycling to take it out at once and I let the piles get too big. Don't worry, it's not trails through the house big, but it's not good either.

A few short thoughts and then it's back to the things I need to get done:

I had a dream last night that SadRico fell off a 4 story roof onto concrete and died! I couldn't get down to where he was and couldn't call for help. It was very disturbing. In the dream he kept sliding off the eve over and over again. Yikes!

At work, I get to move into one of the "super cubes" or shower stalls as we call them. These are generally reserved for people who are one level above my class. There will be lot's of grumbling and I'm hesitant to do move because of the discord it may cause. My boss said to do it - so I don't really have a choice.

BossMan did take the time to tell me again that he is NOT promoting me at year end. This is the second time he's brought it up, so I get it. I think his goal is to get my salary in line with the level where I'm currently placed before he does something nutty like move me up the organization and create an even bigger gulf between my rate and the level average. I'm not overly disgruntled by my salary - it's plenty for one person, but it is lower than the company says someone who is operating at my level should be making. I wouldn't turn down anything he wants to throw my way, but I'm also not counting on anything other than the 3.5% the company doles out at year end. If I was to speculate as to what he is going to do, and it's turns out he's only able to eek in another .5% I'd be disappointed so I'm letting this be his problem.

There are some advantages of not being the top paid person (or even in the top 20%) in that when they look to cut costs, I'm not a big target. I'm pretty safe - so don't worry mom. I"m also setting aside $$ in an emergency fund in case the bank decides they don't need security people at all. I doubt that would ever happen. Congress would have to repeal the Gramm Leach Bliley act first... not a chance!

Lastly, it's Jackson's birthday. Happy birthday Jackson. He's a friend from high school who I totally thought was dreamy all through school. He was my first (or second) inappropriate crush on a friend. He's a good guy living with his Mrs. in a far away land doing what he loves, so you can't hate him. He didn't make it to the reunion, but as much as people talked about him it was like he was there. He was the alumnus who got the most "he really made it good" press. Many of the homeys (sorry, I know I am a honkey and shouldn't try slang) really admire where Jackson's at. It was funny to hear it because in my mind, he's still the same kid who sprayed Windex in PM's eye and almost killed poor Robin by dropping her on her head. No amount of "he's an architect living in London" can take the spaz out of a guy.

Ok... now I really have to get moving, so shoo.

1 comment:

MWR said...

No amount of "he's an architect living in London" can take the spaz out of a guy.

Good line!