
Friday, April 18, 2008

Listen up!

Ok, I think I've been VERY patient in dealing with my aunt. I've literally cleaned shit up off her floor, boxed tons of useless stuff, done loads and loads of laundry - some of it twice, paid for a storage unit, dealt with her less than nice landlord, and have been managing her health care with the most honorable of intentions.

I dug out the Neptune Society paperwork that she sent me in November of 1990. See, I am a little organized. The letter attached said this:

Anyway, I may or may not prepay my eventual finale. If I don't get around to this, it will have to come out of my estate.

You can easily guess that she did NOT prepay.

Now I'm FIRED UP... why not prepay for the F*CKING thing. SHE DOES NOT HAVE AN ESTATE... URG. So, now I'll be choosing to quickly prepay for services and hope to re-coup my "investment" when I sell her things or wait and see if I can find a cheep-o burn em and churn em place in Bellingham. (very nice tpgal... you are cold cold person)

I am trying to be compassionate and considerate as she transitions - but the lack of forethought about life insurance and the reliance on an "estate" that never existed pisses me off. Over the course of her life she has had PLENTY of money - not prepaying for this was childish and inconsiderate.

With that said - I have not prepaid for my funeral either but once she's done I will. I do have some serious life insurance and if my parents start to send me arsenic laced cookies it would be very profitable for them.

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