
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

And it starts all over again...

Today is my least favorite day of the year. The holidays are over, and everyone is back to work. The bus was crowded this morning for the first time in weeks and traffic was a mess.

I took my little office tinsel tree down on Thursday before I left the office and now every trace of holiday cheer is gone.

The extended holiday weekend was great, and while I enjoyed Christmas with my parents (brother dear didn't come) an extended weekend at home was delightful. The NYE celebration was fun and while I don't think I drank too much, I did mix it up, gin, lemon drops, and champagne... my head hurt like a mother the next morning. Thankfully because the holiday fell on a weekend, MegaBank gives us the next weekday as a holiday. (Heaven forbid we shouldn't get our 10 holidays off each year. ) I was able to spend one day on the couch under a blanket with my book and one day being productive in my condo.

My productive day was exciting. I managed to finally take a car load of CRAP to Goodwill (no, not junk... CRAP.) I cleaned cupboards, ditched all sorts of things I haven't used in forever. A quick stop at LampsPLUS yielded the perfect floor lamp for my living room. The holiday decorations are not only put away, but sorted by color and type. The home made crafty ones that I love but never use are now safely stored together, while the ornaments I've been collecting are sorted for easy access next year.

I'm hosting book club at my house tonight, so I also spent the day making a yummy stew for the gals. Actually, I made two... one with meat and one without. I may be eating stew for a million years. I also baked a cake. day off and I'm Martha-f*ing-Stewart. Actually, the trick is not to turn on the TV. That's my new year’s resolution - exercise and don't turn the TV on as a matter of habit when walking in the door at night.

Ok - it's like 8:17 a.m. and I must really get to work. All the things that I put off last year are waiting for me, and I have to earn the $10 a day they are paying me.

Happy New Year!

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