
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Local Woman Overcomes Obesity

My friend Janie cracks me up. She can bring a smile to my face every time we talk. We’ve known each other since 5th grade and were friends all through school except that one year where I was fickle (according to her mother.) No matter how true it was, I can tell you it was a shock to hear that an adult thought ill of me at the age of 12.

Janie and I reconnected after college and we spent a lot of time in our twenties enjoying the big city life of Seattle. Some of my least mature moments have happened with Janie as well as some of my most slutty moments! (Sorry Mom) That’s another story that we won’t go into but I will say that there has been at least one really fun Fleet Week in my past. Who names their son John Johnson?

Anyway, Janie married a very nice, hard working, family oriented man and moved north to an amazing land called “Everett”. She’s now a stay at home mom with two kids, one father-in-law and a mini-van. She is happy and living the American dream.

No matter where our lives take us, when we get on the phone the friendship connection is as strong as if we have spent every day together. She’s the only person who could take a shitty situation and make it funny. She still laughs about the time I got my period during high school. It was everywhere and I didn’t realize it until I had walked through the entire school from one class to another. Of course she acknowledges the horrific embarrassment of the event, but thinks it’s funny because if you don’t find the humor you would never get out of bed and go back to school. I let her get away with it because for every dumb stupid thing I do, she does similar things that she’s not afraid to tell me about. We spend a lot of our time telling each other the stupid things we do, and it’s a nice reality check.

When talking with her the last time Janie told me she had been asked to be in the background of a photo for the local paper. Janie’s friend Sue, a personal trainer, had lost over 50 pounds a number of years ago, and the story was supposed to be a glorification of the triumph of Sue and her battle of the bulge. Janie confirmed with the photographer the pictures were of Sue. Janie had rushed to the gym and hadn’t taken time to do her hair or put on any makeup – I mean why would you want to dress up to work out?:(Maybe because there was going to be a photographer there!) I mean come on, this is the same gal who took the time to shave her legs while she was in labor so that the nurse wouldn’t have to feel her leg stubble during the birth – she should have known better.

When the paper came out the picture on the front page was huge and showed Janie and Sue side by side, and the headline read: Small changes helped local woman defeat obesity. The end of article explained it was Sue who overcame obesity by losing 50 pounds not before explaining that Sue had helped Janie lose over 40 pounds. Janie is happy with her physically fit self, but doesn’t think it qualifies as newsworthy. Much to her horror, her in-laws, neighbors, grocery store clerks and gas station attendants are recognizing her from the paper and are congratulating her on her success. She is a celebrity!

All I can really say is way to go Janie! You’re an example for all woman kind!

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