
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ok kids put the shotguns away, it's storytime!

Girl accidentally shot at Md. day care

This headline makes me wonder about a few things:

1) Whatever happened to crayons at day care?
2) If the girl was shot accidentally, what was the shooter really aiming at?
3) Do parents get a discount if their kids bring their own guns rather than using the day care provided guns?
4) How to they know which gun belongs to which kid? Are they tied to the kid with yarn?
5) If the kids are inclined to bring guns to day care, maybe they should think about increasing the quality of the snacks... I don't think graham crackers are cutting it anymore.
6) Does the teacher send home a note with the shooter: "Mrs. Smith, Billy earned three gold stars and a marksman badge today."
7) If the kids have hand guns, do the teachers have nuclear weapons? "I said it's time to be quiet Suzie. I'll only count to three and then I'll have to WMD your ass!"
8) Do they keep the ammo with the art supplies?

Seriously folks... lock up your guns! If your child can or does break through your super secret storage locations (under the bed, in the night stand, in the back of the closet...) you should go to jail. This is one of the rules in TPtown - it's a world governed by me and I promise you it's not a good place to made stupid mistakes.


MWR said...

Here's the really telling line: "The girl was taken to Children's Hospital in Washington." They shouldn't have to know the first thing about gunshot wounds at a children's hospital.

tp_gal said...

Amen brother!