
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

FOR SALE: One Soul

Hi, my name is Tim. My soul is for sale.

I have systematically hurt the state of Washington and now I have my sights set on hurting mankind. First I'll start by proposing that it's ok to discriminate against gays, (horrid sinners) then I'll take on fat people (slovenly lazy dumbies - I do like that they are jolly, but that's not enough to keep them around). Once those easy targets are done, I'll move to black people (I don't need to say anything here) and them eliminate rights and equal pay for women (I mean come on, you don't really thing the ladies are as smart or as worthy as men do you?). It wil be a glorious day when I'm done.



MWR said...

Has anything good ever come of the initiative petition process in any jurisdiction where it exists? I would think outcomes run about ten to one against "anything good."

I have to say, though, that the car tab fees really were out of control. Can you imagine the hit we would have been taking in Seattle if they had been able to pile the monorail excise tax on top of the old car tab fees? Mon dieu!

syp said...

He still needs a soul.