
Friday, February 15, 2008

Austin, Texas

In reviewing the last couple posts its clear that one or two have gone missing. You didn't miss much, just a business trip to Austin with lots of dull (to you) security talk, and lots of wonderfully off color interaction with folks from all over the globe.

I wrongly built in an extra half day into the schedule to get the flavor of Austin... Its lovely, but not for an extended walking tour. (I'm hanging out now at some coffee/cocktail bar killing time before heading back to the hotel. My coffee drink is terrible, so its taking me a while to get motivated to drink it.

The conference was great and the extra-curricular activities totally fun. We went two-stepping at a bar called the broken spoke. When I mentioned it to a lady at a shop her eyes got really big. It wasn't a four stat joint (no stars) but it was charming with the plywood ceiling, $5.50 pitchers of Lone Star (the only beer on tap) and the live band. I had a great time and those nights at the country bad during college paid off. Instead of looking like a complete ass, I looked mildly competent (to my companions only; the locals knew I sucked.)

Last night after a romantic dinner (for 15) we has drinks in the Cattle Barron's Suite (the four room suite where they parked the managing director.) Oddly enough getting a reservation for 15 on valentines day is kind of a challenge.

Well, I guess I should mosey. I'll post fun pictures tomorrow. I get home tonight around 10 but I think it will be straight to bed. And yes I am aware that I could be logged into work instead of wandering around town. I'll probably take a vacation day for today. I'm so honest its gross.

Later y'all

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