
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Yes, I AM judging

The story about the octuplet mom hit the news like a happy breath of fresh air. We were all thrilled for this family with the outrageous number of babies, but they were healthy and in light of the doom and gloom of the news lately how nice to hear a good story.

Of course, as the days progressed we learned that she already had 7 kids and that she intentionally tried for multiple births.

I think the media believes themselves to be impartial in their presentation of this story, but it is clear that they are judging her and looking down their noses at her choice. Me, I won't even pretend to be unbiased. I think she's a little unbalanced when it comes to her desire to be a parent. I think I heard her say "I wanted unconditional love" OH MY GOD... GET A PUPPY.

So, I have sat back in silent judgement, but no more. I think that the love of children needs to include smart decision making about financial support as well as emotional support. I don't doubt these 75 kids will have lots of love in their life, but I worry that if they should do something like grow up and move out that they might have some trouble with mom. I don't know how they will pay for college - but before we get to that, how about well baby check ups? How is she going to cover that?

I saw a headline on that prompted this tirade. Octuplet mom $50k in debt, asking for $$$ Video

OH MY GOD...did she think that the TLC channel was going to offer her a tv show? Sorry lady, crazy only gets you airtime on COPS or American Idol and even then only for a minute (if you're 'lucky'.)

Usually, I try to take the zen approach when someone makes a decision that I wouldn't, but in this case her decision has lots and lots of impact. I DON'T APPROVE.


Anonymous said...

WHAT IS THE POINT of having so many young??? Most of them are just going to get hit by cars anyway.

On the other hand, THE MORE YOUNG YOU HAVE, the more likely some of them will NOT get hit by cars!!!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention she was already receiving government benefits to aid in the raising of her children because she couldn't afford to. Yet she spent thousands on fertility treatment to have more kids, when you already have 7. She is selfish and greedy.

PNB Dave said...

Peter's Raccoon Friend -

Plus, does she even have that many teats?