
Monday, August 16, 2010

Ah... vacation!

Our little rental cabin.
Sorry for the black out.  I was on the Snake River near Clarkston enjoying good weather, good boating, good food, good friends and family.

We (whatshisface and I) joined Jason's cousin Marty for their annual camping trip, and I have to say it was wonderful.  The weather was warm, the river was very suited for swimming and the company was easy to be with.  We were with five other families and enjoyed nights by the campfire every evening. 

We don't have a fancy trailer, so we rented one of the cabins that come with two full beds, a twin bunk, power and A/C.  It was small, but the A/C was a treat.  Because we're spoiled, we slept "Lucy & Ricky" style, in our own beds.  Oh... the newlywed need to co-sleep does not extend to a full sized bed unless it is absolutely necessary.

J&T on the water

Tubing...but not fast!
J&T hanging on.
seconds before we lost Jason.
Cousin Marty
Cousin Marty has a boat, so in addition to swimming near shore, we enjoyed lots of trips to the middle of the river where we either played on the tubes, or "parked" the boat and floated happily on the tubes, dipping in the water to cool off.  It was bliss.

The tubing experience was fun, even though I'm an old lady.  As you can see there isn't much wake, but I'm hanging on for dear life.  Marty was great about giving us a good ride, but being really safe.  The teenage boys however, spent a lot of time in the water due to the faster and more aggressive speeds.  For those trips, I stayed at the shore. 

On our second tubing experience, everyone was still expecting me to fall off and were watching me like a hawk.  You'll see it the picture below that it was Jason who did some exciting maneuvers and just after that picture was taken he fell off.  I heard the people in the boat say "Gee, Terri is making a strange hand signal.  I think she wants us to stop.  Oh wait... where is Jason?"  As we left him bobbing in the water I couldn't help but call out "Wilson!!!!!"

We split the meals so that only one family cooked dinner each night.  Lucky us, we were on duty the first night and then got to sit back and eat like kings the rest of the time.   These people don't mess around with hot dogs either, we ate fresh smoked pork, chicken teriyaki, steak, ribs, and spaghetti.  Yum Yum.  Mom let us borrow her camp stove and oven combo thing - so we also managed some pretty rockin breakfasts.  Eggs and Bacon in the wild are a happy flavor.

We did sneak into town a couple times, once for breakfast and then on my birthday for a juicy cheeseburger.  We tried the local places and found them to be kitchy and cute, but nothing to write home about.  I did think that it was a nice touch in the cowboy burger bar to have saddles as seats in some of the booths.  I sat my big butt on a regular chair thank you very much!

All in all, it was great.  We are tan (but not burned!) and yet happy to be home.  I told my bed that I loved it last night.  The only sad thing was this morning, Jason made the most pathetic sound as he put on work pants for the first time in 10 days.  It was almost as if it hurt his skin.  Me, I'm still in shorts - but logged onto work at 7:30 this morning, just to catch up with what I missed.

Next year, the camping trip may involve a houseboat.  We've been invited and I'm sure we'll find a way to make it work.  I love hanging out all day in my suit.

Right now... there is laundry.  Piles and piles of laundry.  Thank goodness for the work at home situation!

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