
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Details

For me, keeping a secret is actually pretty hard.  I want to sing my fun news from the top of every mountain top.  I tried to hold out and keep it on the down low for as long as possible because of all the things that can go wrong with a potential new person.  However, doctor appointment after doctor appointment keeps reaffirming that this little being will be coming into our world.

Here's how it happened.  (relax...we won't be getting into THAT)  Jas & I started seriously talking in January about kids adn how it would be great, scary, life changing, fantastic, tiring, aggrivating, amazing, and all other things you might think being a parent would be.  We didn't share this discussion with anyone because it is and should be a personal decision.  Plus, who here doesn't think that my mom would be taking out a billboard stating that "Terri's having a baby" about 3 seconds after I asked "what do you think?"  When you know people will be over the moon excited if you get pregnant, you don't ask them if they think it is wise. 

Anywho... we had a fun weekend with friends and their kids (which was maybe supposed to be a deterrent) and decided on the way home to stop using birth control for a while.  I have had many beautiful, healthy friends who have seriously struggled with getting pregnant, keeping a pregnancy and have gone through seriously invasive procedures to add to their family.  Some have adopted, some have been really creative (no, nobody stole a baby) and some are quietly trying/not trying.   I felt there was a strong possibility that because of my "advanced maternal age"  (that's a nice way of saying over 35) that it would take a while to get pregnant if we even could.

Well, listen up 16 year old kids.... YOU CAN GET KNOCKED UP ON THE FIRST TRY!!!  We calculate that we had conception about 3 days after the birth control was removed. 

About a week later, I was at home doing some laundry when I felt a significant pinch in my girlie area and had to sit down for a moment.  I had my annual doctor appt. the next week so I asked my Dr. about it and he looked at me, smiled, and said "it is too early to test yet" but maybe you should lay off the wine and coffee for a while.  I, of course, ran home and used up 3 pregnancy tests (all negative) in 3 days. 

I had a business trip the following week and should have been visited by my "Aunt Mavis" but she did not come.  I was not concerned, but the morning after I got home, I tinkled on the replacement  EPT stick that I secretly purchased and was rather stunned to see the word "PREGNANT" pop up on the stick.

It was about 5 in the morning and I walked back into the bedroom holding the stick and said "Honey....."  Without moving, Jason asked calmly "Is it positive?"  Me "Yup."  (so romantic)

Then, for the next two hours we laid in bed and laughed.  You know, that nervous "what the f*ck did we do" laugh.  His parents were visiting and we tried to keep our news to ourselves, but I clearly have a VERY BIG tell.  Apparently, I am not known for EVER turning down a glass of wine. 
By the end of the weekend the circle had grown to both sets of parents, and two friends (again with the wine as a dead giveaway.) 

We have had two ultrasounds and have met with our OB.  The OB and the ultrasound people put our due date at February 23rd or 24th.  We will get a third, and way more detailed ultrasound in October (at 20 weeks) when we'll get to learn the sex of the baby.  Until then, we mostly refer to it has whatever size fruit the iPhone baby tracker gives us for the week. 

This week, we are a peach. 

You know I will be blogging about this, but in order to keep the baby blather to a dull roar I did start a sub-blog that you are welcome to checkout when (or if) you like.  If you don't want to be subjected to my inner craziness about doctor appointments, clothes and my ever changing body you can skip it. 

So, for now...we are happily gestating.

The other blog: Coming In February

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