
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back to me

Golly, what a frustrating day.  Bare with me (bear?) while I whine selfishly without much perspective that my life is actually pretty amazing.

I had a very difficult time settling in to sleep last night and it was well after 2am when I finally shut down.  The alarm at 6am was disappointing, especially since I had a dr. appointment first thing in the morning thus eliminating any chance of slipping back to sleep once my beloved left for work. (It shouldn't happen, but sometimes it does.)

I forced myself to get up and shower and was plagued with a bit of the lightheadedness that has been bothering me lately.  (A pregnancy side effect.)  I still managed to get my hair done (that is a bit of a challenge when you want to pass out every time you put your hands over your head.)

I was out the door on time and got stuck behind someone over compensating for the slushy roads.  Normally, I would just relax and cut the person some slack, but the jerk behind me seemed to be riding my bumper as if I was the trouble.  He even attempted to pass on the right at one point but I put a stop to that with a well timed taking full possession of the lane thus eliminating his opportunity to push me into oncoming traffic just so that he could be frustrated car #1 behind our slow poke friend.

Once in Issaquah I breathlessly made it up the stairs and was asked "are you aware that your appointment is at 9:40 (and not 8:50)?"  UM... NO. not aware of that.  Heck, the doctor wasn't even in yet.  I called Jason, who had left work to come to the appointment and he was already in the parking lot.  We went back to his office to wait out the hour.

Upon re-arrival back at the office the receptionist informed us that the Doctor wasn't coming in AT ALL and that I could be seen by the nurse.  They tried to call me but couldn't get through on my cell.  (Maybe if the 209 area code you're ringing doesn't work, you MIGHT try 206 - a local and well known code.)  I took this news in stride, even though I had a list of 6 things to talk to the Doctor about.  When they use the excuse "she's at a birth" you can't bitch about that.  One hopes that when it is my turn I'll be priority number one.

The appointment went well, but I was requested to do a follow up blood draw to retest my iron levels.  It was a bit low, but I'm bad about taking the iron supplements because of the ill effects it has on my solid waste removal systems.  Sorry folks, I need to poop every now and then and the damned iron pills make that really difficult. 

I hated to have to let my work people know that once again my schedule was wrong and that I'd be missing a meeting.  This isn't such a bad thing when they see you every day, but when they don't not being around for collaborative meetings is really not good. Thankfully, my manager seems understanding. 

Jason leaves to head back to work (again) and I work my way to the lab (which is downstairs).  They call me in and vampire #1 sticks me once in the right arm, and then once in the left arm.  NOTHING.  She calls for the head vampire who sticks me once in the right arm and then once in left arm.  NOTHING.  (At this point I'm almost in tears, mostly out of frustration.)  She then apologizes and tells me she has to take the blood from the back of my hand.  This hurts, but I'm thankful to be done. 

I finally get to head home and manage to get in a tiny nap during the lunch hour that I should really have skipped.  That seems to have helped my attitude and I'm getting work done this afternoon.  (except for this mini-whine break.)

Let's hope I sleep tonight.... and that we can wash this day away.

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