
Monday, March 15, 2010

Today is brought to you by the number 5!

I would like to know how, after a weekend where we didn't go anywhere or do anything but hang out with my parents, there are four loads of laundry to wash? And, I haven't even stripped the guest bed yet?

Count them, one, two, three, four, five! Five loads of laundry. Ahh ahh ahh ahh

Our weekend with my parents was pretty great considering we didn't plan anything exciting. We watched movies, put together puzzles and talked about family life.

We managed to get through the weekend without having to watch hours and hours of CNN. (My sweet mom & dad listen to CNN all day long at their house. Which would be fine except there's only about 1 hour worth of news in the 8 hour cycle, so there's a lot of story repeating or CNN talking about CNN does the news. )

While my dad napped, Mom, Jason & I ventured out to the mall where we all picked up some fun items. Ironically, I found a pair of jeans that don't need to be hemmed and a pair of shorts that do.

My parents left mid-day Sunday and we had thought they were staying until this morning, so last night Jason and I cooked the dinner we had planned for them and felt guilty for being lazy Saturday night and ordering pizza. You missed a yummy steak and savory salad!

They also missed my attempt to burn down our new house. I made breakfast Sunday and when I cook a lot of bacon I'll put a pan in the oven (on low) with a paper towel or two to keep the bacon warm and sop up the extra fat while I cook the rest of breakfast. Well, my dearest hubby did the dishes and I assumed he opened the oven to get the pan, and he wouldn't even have dreamed that there was a dirty pan in the oven. When cooking dinner I cranked the oven to 450 to pre-heat for our tater tots (We eat tots!) the smell of bacon should have been a clue... it wasn't until the smoke started oozing from the oven and the smoke alarm went off that I clued in.

Now, our downstairs smells like bacon. Normally, this would be a good thing, but maybe its too much of a good thing. I think room spray might just make it worse. Thank goodness for open windows and a mild day.

Jason and I also watched Precious last night. May I just say... wow! It was a good, but brutal movie. I was impressed by not only the main actress (who has never acted before) and by Mo'nique's performance but by a small role very adeptly played by the kooky Mariah Carey. I thought she couldn't act, but apparently she can. Go girl!

I should go, the laundry is dinging and there is work work to do.

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