
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another step closer

I met with the super serious psychologist today for an assessment. My assumption is that it went really well, I operate under the assumption that I'm not mentally ill.

We talked about history, how much my mother and father screwed me up by staying married, working and working out their differences by not throwing things or yelling. (A-holes)

Then we talked about how terrible high school and college was with all those friends, and all that fun stuff we had to do.

After an hour I took a little "test" - 650 some statements designed to delve into my psyche. They were true/false and for the most part very easy but there were a few that were so convaluted I wasn't sure what the heck they were saying:

I often know that the problems I have are red shoe, trunk lock because people is what I think obsessively nightly.
( ) TRUE
( ) WTF?

Most of the statements were pretty depressing:

My friends and family would be better off without me.
I don't sleep at night and sleep all day.
All food tastes the same to me
I often lose my train of thought.
I am often forced to tell people what is wrong with them.
I often hear things that others can not.
My skin hurts me.
I often lose my train of thought.
I need to touch animals in a hurtful way.
It secretly pleases me when those who are out to get me are hurt.
People are plotting against me.
I often lose my train of thought.

Wow... I hope the person for which those statements are true has a good support system and a packet of Post-It's to keep track of the conversation.

(also... had a little issue at work unrelated to the blog, but I will refrain from referring to activities there for a while. I'm sure you'll be sad not to hear about that.... DULL.)

Oh... and talked to Rico about my apprehension about being THE entire music coordinator for the wedding and was a left a message today that said he and Cindy talked it over and they are confident I'll be great. Oh good, so I guess thats it then.

1 comment:

phatgrrl said...

You look really nice! And I'm glad the weather was so great today.. not such an easy thing all the time around here.

I took those tests about 2 weeks ago and I also thought a lot of the questions were really f*cked up...I'm glad I could honestly not answer "TRUE" to most of those creepy questions...

My psych consult was pretty inconsequential too.. you must be really excited to getting one step closer in the surgery process.