
Monday, December 10, 2007

1st day back

So far it's been quiet, which is good.  I know you'll be shocked to learn that I don't ALWAYS want to be the center of attention. 

I am looking really good today new haircut, good pants, heals, and a cute grey vest over a white top with French cuffs.  Oh I'm rocking the banking world today!

Funny thing tho' my weight has stayed the same for the last week.  This is called a stall - and after losing almost 30 pounds since surgery day it is clear that my body is taking a little time out.  I can hear it saying "WHAT THE *F* DID YOU DO TO ME!?  I NEED *ALL* OF THIS FLUB TO SURVIVE.  I GAVE YOU 30 - BUT YOU'RE NOT TAKING ANY MORE!!!"

What my poor body doesn't know (but my head does) is that these little stalls are normal and help the body maintain.  The goal is not to get frustrated or wander into to the headspace of thinking - "I did all this for 30 damned pounds!?"  Those aren't healthy thoughts.  The other thing (later on) is that once the workouts get more regular then weight stalls could be attributed to muscle gain. I'm not there yet -(Sunday was all about the couch)  but I will.  I'll be back on the sliding scale soon enough.

The one good thing about a stall is that I get to wear these cute pants a little longer.  After all, I had them hemmed and everything!

I also think being back to work will help with maintaining a regular eating schedule.  It's pretty easy to regulate the intake during the work day - yesterday (aka Couch Day) was a mini eating festival.  Of course the dynamics of that has changed - I'm limited to about 6 ounces an hour but I managed to have almost nothing but treats yesterday.  Sugar free popsicles, sugar-free pudding, low fat popcorn! (yeah!!!) , cottage cheese (not a treat, but it tastes like one), grapes (oh golly those were so good) and cheese. No meat, no protein drink, just snacks.  Here's how the food breaks out:

S-F Popsicles = count as water intake
S-F pudding = counts as milk
Popcorn = fiber
Cottage cheese = protein
Grapes = sugar and goodness
Cheese = protein

Here's a weird fact - some people have to peel their grapes.  I apparently can stomach almost anything!  Had no trouble with the grapes.  I did have *issues* with the toast I tried to eat - so for now, tp gal and toast are still not friends.  Boo.  However, peanut butter on a whole wheat cracker… GOOD.

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