
Saturday, December 29, 2007

last weekend of the year

I had my whole day planned around an event tonight. (I invited myself to a child's birthday party.) Upon check of my e-mail it turns out the thing is tomorrow. So now the pressure is off, and here I sit at my computer.

I've played some cards, checked the Obesity Help message boards, read a little about water and protein consumption, and am now rambling to you good person.

It doesn't seem like there's a lot to do, but my list is actually pretty long:

Laundry, when you only have 4 pairs of pants that fit the machine is going all the time. (More on pants later)
Take down the tree.
GoodWill ( seems like I'm going every week. Here's even MORE clothes that don't fit.)
Gift for mom's birthday.
Litter Box , yuck
Christmas cards (I'm still hoping to send something this year.)

More on Pants:

So, I'm not losing weight at the same marvelous pace as when I first got home from the hospital, but my body is changing. The black pants I had hemmed have gone from a tad too tight to belt required. It has only been three weeks. There's a new rule in the clothing department - no pants shall enter my wardrobe unless they have belt loops. I refuse to wear stretchy pants to work, so I'm going to have to stay diligent about looking for good deals.

I have to say that while I fully get that my body is getting smaller I'm having trouble parting with some of my most favorite clothes. I am fitting into smaller sizes and feel great in them, but I keep putting on items that are bigger thinking that it's great how loose they fit. I changed my clothes twice before leaving the house yesterday, because I was swimming in the items I had put on.

I guess it's time to turn that aggressive "throw this stuff out" force on myself. Both Yaz and Ali know exactly what I mean. I'm able to help other people weed out crap out of closets, garages and spare rooms, but I may need help to do it for myself.

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