
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The work update

Things are still status quo at MegaBank; still no definitive news on what's what. There's lots of misinformation rolling around. People share their opinion about what they think is going to happen as if they know what is going to happen. It is easy to get caught up in the hysteria. Honestly I'm trying not to get too worked up.

I'm resigned to the idea that I'm going to lose my job. I'm just hoping that the timing is good (as if there can be good timing to be unemployed.) My fingers are crossed (a perfectly acceptable strategy) that my release date will be in the summer. Let's put our collective heads together and pray for a June 30 date. June 30. June 30, June 30!

There's NOTHING magic about that date other than it is halfway through the year and the weather starts to get good in July. I could spend some time with Becky at Gambleside while my poor boyfriend slogs to work everyday. (He's sweet, but he won't quit his job to play with me even if I ask nicely.)

A March release date is a more realistic expectation, I can make that work too. It won't be the "retirement 2009" situation that a June date would be, but I'd still enjoy my summer.

The "Retirement 2009 Program" scares J a little bit. I wonder if he's worried that I'll NEVER go back to work and that he'll be stuck with a deadbeat girlfriend. tee hee. (It wasn't a planned thing to make him fall in love with me and then for me to suddenly have no income... honest. I'm totally trustworthy.)

ok -- enough. Get back to your life, but.... come back soon - there is gjavascript:void(0)oing to be exciting news here soon.

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