
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The rise in tourism

The Seattle Times today is reporting that there has been a drop in tourism in Seattle. This is just one more thing to worry about in our fair region. People are losing jobs left and right, the Metro busses stop running if the TV weathermen even mention the word snow, and now there are less people coming into town to give us their hard earned and saved vacation monies.

I do see the economic issues with having fewer folks scaling the Space Needle for a stunning view of the sound (or the fog) and with fewer folks stuck on the monorail, the Seattle Fire Department will not get as much practice in rescuing folks.

However, this drop in tourism has been mostly invisible to me, as there has been a dramatic increase in tourism in the MegaBank building. We do have some public spaces, including a rather large Starbucks that seems to be attracting more “non-badged” folks every day.

This morning, a wide eyed guy (with a tale-tale) backpack got behind me in line and proceeded to ask a lot of questions.

“Gee, I bet it has been dead here since the lay offs, is that true?”
“Gosh, it must be hard to come into work every day huh!??

I scanned him over to see if he had any indicators that he may be from the press, but he seemed to be just some schmoe who wandered in off the street to look at the walking dead. I still wanted to punch him a little, but only because he really just seemed interested in interacting with a “real MegaBank employee.” ICK

Other tourists have been from MoreMegaBank and they seem to come to this site under the pretence that they are part of the acquisition but really have no purpose. I feel like a monkey in the zoo in front of those people.

You know that for the most part I have tried to have a good attitude about this situation. I am however human and the sadness hits me every now and again. Life goes on, and I have had way more highs than lows... but today, I'm a bit blue.

1 comment:

PNB Dave said...

DID you punch him a little?