
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

FaceBook Gripe

FaceBook is a fun way to keep up on the goings of friends far and wide. I certainly like it more than Twitter, but I find myself checking it multiple times a day...(obsessive much?) and each morning when I check in I can tell who my friends are who play games late into the night.

Facebook has a fun set of games but when you play them they display your "accomplishments" on the pages of all your friends - it is VERY irritating.

Today I posted a possibly passive aggressive note asking if people knew they could go into their settings and turn off the updates on each game. I'm sure I'll be VERY unpopular today and that no one will actually do it, but it would be nice to not have to wade through people's stupid Farmville crap to get to the important things like who is stuck in line at the bank!

**End of Rant**