
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Single Again

Wow, it's so incredible t be single again. I was up late last night doing something I haven't done in more than 9 weeks. It was hot, steamy and took hours. Yes my friends, I ironed clothes - on a Saturday night. Woo Woo!

Today I woke up (alone), showered and then went to church. Believe it or not the earth did not quake when I passed over the threshold into the sanctuary. I was welcomed and I realized I haven't been to church since early July.

After an enjoyable morning, I drove to the gym (I know, ironic) where I lifted weights and spent 43 minutes on the elliptical. Why 43 minutes? Well...not to over share, but I've been plagued with a bit of the stomach flu for the last few days and that was as long as I could go without, um... having to go.

Once home I had some lunch and now I'm taking a small break from cleaning my garage. I had some boxes of Messy Martha's things and I'm in the mental state that it's time to get rid of "stuff." I'm disposing of boxes, an old car stereo, things I should have taken to goodwill and the HUGE box my damn TV came in. J assures me that when the time comes to move that I won't need the box. It really is massive and makes it a challenge to get my car in the garage. I'm going to trust that he's right and get rid of it.

I came in for a moment to ... um... well go and managed to catch a call from J. They are in Williamsburg, VA and he's contemplating ditching the folks to spend tomorrow at a Busch Amusement Park to partake of the roller coasters. Oh my, I have a danger guy on my hands. Honestly, I wish I was there. I haven't been able to ride roller coasters in so long and I totally can now! I'm not really pining away to be in Williamsburg - the accuweather says that it is currently 91 (at 6pm) as compared to our lovely 76.

The garage isn't going to clean I'm going to head back out. Later, I'm going to sit on my couch alone and catch up on last seasons Grey's Anatomy. I only have 4 more to go to be current. I'm told this is important homework for Thursday nights with Dan and C. In the winter J and the gang gather together for Survivor and Grey's Anatomy. I'm happy to be included and will gladly catch up on GA.

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