
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Americans...tisk tisk

I was standing in line at Dairy Queen and the guy in front of me was marveling at the display of candles for sale. They had all the numbers for you to buy to pop on top of your ice cream cake.

I couldn't help but overhear as he said to his friend:

0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9... I guess you just get screwed when you turn 10. That sucks.

Yes indeed...


Kim H. said...

Oh my goodness - what a moron! Isn't it sad how dumb the general population can be?

PNB Dave said...

When I was a kid I was in a boat geek family so I spent a lot of time in marinas and marine supply stores. There was one company that seemed to have a monopoly on the manufacture of the approved registration number stickers you were required to have on the bow of your boat along with your Coast Guard (later Washington state) registration tag. These served as the boat equivalent of a license plate and began with the 2-letter state abbreviation, followed by your unique 5- or 6-digit registration number. For example, my boat's number was WN 9703 M. These were sold as individual 2" vinyl self-adhesive letters and numbers that came in black or white. Every store that catered to the marine trade had one of the manufacturer's big custom-made plastic displays with a little form-fitted slot for each letter and number. The numbers available to purchase were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 0. Pretty much every place that sold them had found it necessary to add a hand-lettered sign on or near the display that said "FOR 9 USE UPSIDE DOWN 6."


PNB Dave said...

P.S. Dairy Queen rocks and I'm still pissed that the one in downtown Bellevue was torn down.