
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Movie Review: The Hulk

I'm reminded that I viewed the latest Hulk movie a while back and that my live-in reader was sad to see that I didn't post a review.

I think I may have slept through the entire movie, because while I know that it starred Edward Norton (who I think is kind of dreamy) and Liv Tyler, I don't really remember anything else.

Maybe there was some sort of bio-nuclear incident and when Ed get's pissed he transforms. Maybe he remembers who he is, or not, I have no idea.

I do know, that the Eric Bana / Jennifer Connolly version of this very same movie that came out less than a year before the Norton/Tyler version, oh gosh, how to put this... SUCKED.

This in fact, may be the least helpful movie review ever written. Hulk 2008, saw it, don't remember it. Save your money and time. The Death Race movie would be a better use of your time.

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