
Friday, January 25, 2008

One last thing and then I'll stop

So, remember way back when in December and one of my minions (minion 1.0 to be exact) was laid off?

The company did do a decent thing and has kept M1.0 on the books through January. This would allow a person to collect any bonus for an almost years worth of work well done.

So, today, I'm working away at M1.0s job and I get an e-mail from "H.R. Recognition" telling me that I have an employee with a 5 year service anniversary coming up and that I have to celebrate it. They suggest decorating their office space, having a potluck, or holding a celebratory team meeting where we honor the employee.

Who is the employee? M1.0.

I think it would be in extremely poor taste to decorate the empty cube and hold a pot luck, don't you.

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