
Sunday, January 20, 2008


OK, we're back to our regularly scheduled topics, me, things irrelevant and nonsense.

I'm in Portland this weekend with June, Hajii and the kids, Ab is 10, Lew is 2 and it's a madhouse here. In a very good way. Lew is cute, he has a few words, mostly, hello (strung together in threes "helloHellloHello") and "uh-oh" he communicates very well with pointing, grunts and looking at the item that he needs.

June and I contributed to the economy yesterday. We found shoes, which every girl NEEDS and fun jewelry. I also picked up a dress for the next 60's retro cocktail party I attend. It is HOT! I can't wait to wear it.

We've been playing Wii as well. It turns out... I'm not so good at Tennis. I can hold my own in bowling, but on the grass courts I look like I'm swatting flies. Ab finds it hilarious.

I've got tomorrow off, and my lunch data cancelled so I've got no pressure for the drive home, so it should be a nice drive. I may hit the outlet mall in Chehalis and pick up some outlet underwear. (do you care?? nope, didn't think so.)

it's my Wii turn, so I gotta go!

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