
Monday, June 22, 2009

Jon & Kate.... ooh the hate

Jon & Kate....

Oh golly, to tune in or not tune in - that is the question on the table today.

Clearly, Kate is a nut job who is too clean and rigid - how she deals with 8 kids is facinating enough for a tv show --- TLC , but still.

Jon is a bit affable and prone to bad decisions.

TLC is promoting the fact that tonight they'll make an announcement that will affect all their lives. Is it divorce?

Is it any of our business?

Can I stop myself from watching? (Maybe) But, will that stop me from reading about it on the Internet tomorrow? (No.)


RisibleGirl said...

I totally get the hate for Kate (hey, I'm a poet!), but Jon's personality reminds me a LOT of my ex-husband. He wouldn't do anything unless Kate asked (or forced) him to do it and he likes to play the martyr.

I think that HE has put her in this position of being bossy and she has put herself in this position by allowing him to be so "eh, she'll do it if I procrastinate long enough".

It's a sucky way to live. I can attest to that, and life was MUCH easier for me when I didn't have that extra kid around. :)

RisibleGirl said...

Oops Freudien slip in that first paragraph. Did you see how I turned my ex-husband and I into Jon and Kate? Wow.