
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Topic - still shopping

Indeed, this is ANOTHER shopping story during a week of important news overseas. The "new" Iranian leader apparently won the election in a landslide victory of 65% of the vote - but for some reason half the people in the country are pissed. That would be a scary place to be these days. I'd be afraid of being TOO vocal and end up "dying of natural causes" in some dark back room at the hands of a supporter of the countries leadership. (maybe I watch too many 007 movies...)

So, we're at Target yesterday (why I love Target and loathe Walmart is beyond me... same concept - different execution I guess) and Jason picked up two CD's. Yes, actual jewel cases and everything. We checked out and like normal I wasn't paying attention. (I was actually mentally giving it to the woman in front of us who took the two things out of her cart, paid for them and left the cart in the narrow space between the checkout stands. Come on, you rolled it up here, roll it the next 15 feet to the cart parking lot.)

Back to the point, we got to the parking lot and Jason was looking at the receipt and says "oh, he only charged me for one CD."

We stopped, looked at the receipt, looked at each other and then had to decide what to do. I'll be perfectly honest and admit that it was a decision. Of course, we turned and walked back in and paid for the other CD - but had we already crossed the street and were in our car, likely returning to pay would not have happened.

That split second of indecision is something I'm not proud of. I wish I had the moral fiber to have instantly spun and walked back in the store. I'm pretty sure I'm not a bad person and don't need to go to confession because I considered walking away with a free cd.

Oh well, honesty won out and I get to be a "good" person for a while. At least until I unfairly judge someone for being themselves.

So, it's book group night and I'm no where near done with my book so I need to get to reading.... er work. (See, no longer a good person - now I'm a slacker.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This might help:
Shopping rhymes with hopping - both with two P's.
I get the feeling that you wouldn't misspell "shopping".