
Friday, May 30, 2008

Oh Mikey...

Today was the day my now favorite ex-coworker left. In spite of drinks, and good-bye lunches I was in NO WAY prepared for his departure.

At 4:30 someone walked by my office and said good night and I asked if he was still back at his desk. "Oh no, he left about half an hour ago."


I totally understand why he didn't swing by for the weepy hug with inept words of "I"ll miss you, and I love you man." I'm sure walking out was hard (in some ways) for him too.

I think the reason I'm so heartbroken over this is that there's no logical reason I can find for things at work to have deteriorated so badly that leaving was the smart thing to do. I'm proud of him for standing up for himself and walking away, but it was a preventable thing. MegaBank is a lesser company for this departure.

It's crazy to still be shedding tears two hours later (and on the damn bus for frick sake) our friendship will extend to real life. It already does.

I'm happy to cheer you on Mike, where ever in whatever you want to do! I just think that it's going to stink not being able to talk over the stupid work stuff with you and have the gossipy coffees. It's also going to be hard to keep up with the "I told you so's" if we aren't working out the next steps together.

Monday will be a little less sunny than today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mikey here - you're right, it's a tough thing to 'walk away' from so many good friends - but it had to be done ;-) I look forward to a continuing relationship with many of those people - it will just be a little different. Thank you for you kind tone in this post!!! I hope all the best in the go-forward, whatever that looks like - and I'll never forget the great friends I made at the bank. As always - Cheers!