
Monday, June 09, 2008

Blah Monday

The stock price at MegaBank is a ROCK BOTTOM bargain today. That's not at all good news; we're taking a beating and I'm trying to stay in the Zen place. Here's my thoughts on the matter - with a disclaimer that I have NO INSIDE INFORMATION - any comments here are pure speculation from someone in no position to know ANYTHING about the direction of the company or acquisition activity.

I'm of the opinion that if we get bought out that it would be a good thing. Yes, most companies that would be interested in MegaBank would have a security team, but there would be time before the dime dropped on my position. Ideally, within that window I could show my superior value and excellent attitude to the new overlords. If not, there's always a severance package to be had. I really am interested in sticking it out until January - and then we'll see what's what here. (if we're still here.)

It is a little bleak around the water cooler these days. With Mikey and Beefcake gone the fun has almost virtually dropped away. The bright side is that I'm bonding with new (not new to MegaBank) people who are really great! I try to stay positive for my team, and marvel at the concept that anyone might look to me for anything other than a huge scoop of sarcasm.

Speaking of Mikey & Beefcake (poor guy… who wants THAT as a nickname?) there was a BBQ at Mike's yesterday to wish the Beefcake family a fond farewell as they head to where there is actual sunshine, and where housing prices still make your behind hurt a little. (San Jose) The crappy weather held and we enjoyed an easy afternoon. BC brought his wife and 900 children (all boys) who were amazingly well behaved. I imagine if you have 900 that you have to keep them in line or there will be no peace.

I loved his wife instantly and am more sorry they are moving now than I was before. She would have been an excellent addition to the book club - super bright, funny, earthy. Oh yes, I have a woman crush. No worries, now I won't have to be shy now about inviting myself over for dinner when I'm ever in that area.

Today is Janie's 40th birthday! Happy Birthday! Damn the florist who promised flowers before noon but didn't deliver.

My weekend outreach program yielded no responses - boo. Although, I was contacted by CountryBob65 of Granite Falls. Um… I haven't looked at his profile yet - but the name and location seems off to me. I am an urban girl, who is looking for a relationship with someone… oh I don't know.. LOCAL. However, I need dating practice, so if there's anything interesting in the profile I might as well initiate communication It can't hurt right?

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