
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Peter The Cat

For fourteen years I have have been living with this little dude who is always under foot, whiny about food, doesn't pick up after anyone but himself.

He's demanding, going so far as to knock things off the bedside table to wake me up when he wants something. He'll even stand on my chest and paw at my nose to help me understand his wacky wants.

He has been a snuggle friend on cold nights, likes to sleep on the bed even when it's a hundred degrees in the house and will keep one paw on me to let me know he's there.

He put up with years of my snoring, didn't have to endure too many overnight guests, and forgave me for getting him "tutored."

Well, we're going through something right now. He hasn't eaten in two days and the only water he will take is the ounce and a half tonight that I fed him through a straw. He's moving around the house really slow and today was in the same spot I left him this morning.

We have an appointment at the vet tomorrow, but I'm feeling blue that he feels like shit. His nose is dry (fever) but runny (gross).

He doesn't have any mystery bumps, but groans when I pick him up.

It's A F*CKING CAT... but he's family. A little heartbroken over here.

Boo Hoo


PNB Dave said...

Awww, that sucks. I hope he's OK. =(

Anonymous said...

Would he enjoy some cream, perhaps? Maybe you should offer him some and see if he perks up. He may be suffering from a cream deficiency of some kind. If so, the answer could be as near as your grocer's dairy section . . . in the cream area.

Kim H. said...

I hope it's nothing, and the vet can fix him right up!! I've got two dogs, and believe me - they are family to mee too!

Anonymous said...

I hope your cat is okay!! I don't know what I'd do if something happened to our dog, so I feel your pain. I'm crossing my fingers that kitty makes a speedy recovery...