
Saturday, June 07, 2008

Movie Review: Sex and the City

With all the goings on last weekend, there was no time to run out and see my four friends, Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha. I did squeeze them in last night and it was nice to see them again.

Miranda is looking a little older, Carrie needs glasses, Charlotte is a gem who can bring a tear to my eye, and Sam... well Sam is still fabulous.

If you aren't a fan of the show, you can skip this movie, it is so NOT for you. It is for those of us who prefer to settle in on the couch with the DVD's on days we don't feel good.

I laughed, I cried (a couple times -- shhh, I want people to think I'm strong) and I believed in love all the way to the end. It was fully satisfying and worth the wait. I'm a fan!

The theater was PACKED with women in their late 30's (and a few -- maybe 3 men.) The whole experience was a tad overly girly for me. There was plenty of hooting and chatter, and by plenty you know I mean too much. The movie was long, and the line for the restroom after the show was even longer. In fact, I'm still standing there waiting to go.

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