
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Back in contact

My iPhone completely malfunctioned and it was beyond traumatic. I turned it on to show the AT&T guy and it started dialing phone numbers, texting and playing random music. The texting was especially scary because it was clicking on the Architects name and the LAST thing in the world that situation needs is bizarre texts.

The Apple "genius" took about 4 minutes to diagnose the phone as catastrophically damaged, and about 1 minute to pull a brand new phone out and set it up. Sweet! I was not excited about being without communication for a week.

While I was waiting for my appointment I killed time at Nordstrom's and purchased my next weight loss incentive treat. Shoes! They! I'll try to post the pix.

Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

syp said...

I was the recipient of a lovely random phone call from your phone while you were trying to get it was amusing.