
Sunday, July 27, 2008

hopeful or naive?

After a fun day at the races, J's people and I split off with them going to a Wii Fit Olympics competition party and me to Christine's for a mix and mingle with a lovely band, 200 kids, friends from book group, PR people, and that actor who played the chief of staff on ER (Dr. Anspaugh - if you really must know.)

During the course of the evening I was asked about 40 times how my summer was going. My answer ranged from "pretty good" to "outstanding" depending on my desire to not take over all conversations. Sometimes the "all about me" thing does get old and an answer of 'outstanding' really is a focus on me type answer.

At one point I was talking with a few ladies and I shared the newly dating news, which my friend Deborah was super excited about. Although one of the other ladies freaked me out a little bit with her "expert" dating advice.

"Just enjoy it for what it is, don't get too involved, and then when it's over, move on."

Uh... wow! Was she drinking Bitters? I really thought that perspective was sad and jaded. She may think me a fool to put my whole heart and soul into what's happening in my world right now, but I really think that holding back will get me nowhere. It helps that I feel like I'm in a safe place with J. Maybe it is the "don't get too involved" thing that makes men in this woman's world move on.

Is it possible that I skipped a whole decade of agony dating and am getting to fast forward into something mature without the bull-shit? You know me, so you know I don't mean mature as in unfun and old.

To wrap up... I guess my thoughts are that I'm grateful that I'm not a member of the bitter party of women who think men are jerks. I'm going to to commit to this process and if it results in my getting smashed to bits and you have to come over and pick me up off the floor... so be it. I think he's worth the risk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for being hopeful and naive at the same time, I'd never cross major thoroughfares.