
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

wait a minute...what's going on here?

As I said earlier, the date Friday was nice. We talked for hours, laughed and generally had a great time. J. emailed Saturday, called Sunday and yesterday sent a "Happy Monday" email with an invitation to a pretty spectacular outing next Saturday. He's suggesting a hike and a picnic - the perfect summer activity date.

What's my issue, because you KNOW I have one. I'm worried that J is way more into me than I am into him. It's early and you never know, I might come around. I do think I need to let him know that I am seeing other people... delicately. Honesty must be balanced with kindness.

There is one thing about him that is extremely troublesome, and I'm almost afraid to tell you. He really is a nice guy, cares about his family, and even understands why WalMart is the evil empire. But he's *um* a Republican and he (hold on to your shorts) voted for Bush.... TWICE. Oh golly the horror.

I wouldn't kick someone to the curb for that, especially someone so nice but it is something I would like to understand. "Are you f*cking crazy!?" probably shouldn't be my opening line.


Anonymous said...

Well T, your Dad and I have had a mixed marriage for many years now. It makes for lively conversation from time to time. It was such a victory when he came over from the dark side. So look at his Right Wing, Pinko, Bible thumping leanings as a challenge to bring someone else in from the cold.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog - funny!!

If I can give advice, let the whole thing run its course, if you like hanging out with him, hang out with him, if not, don't. Plus with him been an e-boyfriend he probably has other e-girlfriends, so don’t worry about telling him you are seeing other people. Just be open and honest and if it gets to something more serious then cut off the others and give him security that the others has been cut off. I've Seen to many people ruin a good e-thing's by keeping “friends” on the side for emailing.

Kim H. said...

You know, I have to say that I'm not sure how things would work being on opposite sides of political issues... I can't imagine my husband and I differing on our basic beliefs.

I voted for Bush twice as well, and don't think I'm a bad person though for the record... just a person with different priorities. I respect that not everyone has the same beliefs that I do - but it would be really hard if my husband/boyfriend didn't.

I've got friends on all sides of the issues, and it's honestly interesting to see the different perspectives and thought processes that go into choosing sides on political issues. It's also interestingly enough - sometimes a geographical factor that pushes people to one side or the other.

Who knows, but I do agree that if you enjoy each other's company - then just let it run it's course... see where it takes you... if you don't or if you guys can't agree to disagree on the issues - then maybe it's not worth the time and hassle.

MJS said...

Oh...he voted FOR Bush? How embarrassing for him! You should run screaming.

MWR said...

I'm torn between saying that it's premature to be "worried" about such a thing after only one date, and thinking that if you already have ambivalent feelings there is limited justification for continuing, which if your impressions are correct will end up being a waste of your time and his. The guy is typically the one who proposes dates in our system, so I don't think the fact that he proposed a second date (or has taken more of the initiative generally) marks him as "way more into" you. Also, for all you know, he might think you are more into him than he is in to you; though it is not hard to read "no interest", degrees of interest can be challenging to figure out, especially based on one date.

You may be wise to figure out what his party affiliation means in terms of actual beliefs about the world. I guess you could start with issues that affect everyone in the country on a daily basis, like wiretapping of foreign nationals or gay adoption.