
Saturday, July 12, 2008

I have no idea who I am these days...

The tp gal of yore did not date. She did not email men, she did not have PG rated sessions of kissing in her living room. She did not have sleepovers...

For right now, it seems as though that old gal is gone. There was the nice date Friday with J. I'm meeting the Architect tonight for drinks and... (I suggested scrabble and he suggested twister) and then there's Redmond. He and I are finally meeting on Monday. He suggested Sunday night, but I just couldn't go out with three different men three nights in a row. My head would explode.

The racoon friends asked about the Architect and basically the story is this. We made contact on a dark and wine imbibed night and had a sleep over. We talked for hours and into the next morning and it turns out we're going to be friends. He's not a boyfriend and I'm ok with that. He's a good guy who is rather fun to be around. Maybe some of my more conservative readers may judge me for having a friend with benefits, but I'm not feeling at all bad about it. I think as long as I don't pass up the opportunity to meet someone who is ready to have a girlfriend to be with him, I'm on solid ground. So far, it is not holding me back. I also think that as long as we're both getting something out of it, then it's ok. The moment it is one sided for either of us, then it's time to walk away.

I was given the "sex complicates things" talk today from one of my wise friends. She is 100% correct and I am taking care to be honest with myself about what this is. Who knows if things go well with J. or Redmond, the Architect could be history before Labor Day.

It's Summer! Woo Hoo

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